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Easy measurement by multifunction input

The input module can be expanded to accommodate a wide variety of measurements

It is not able to connect two sensors of the same type.

Providing a variety of sensors and input terminals corresponding to the application.

There is the following input module.
Number of channels and measurement type are fixed with each input module.


No. Input module Measurement (actual sensing) Measurement (calculated value)
1 Temp./Humidity sensor
Temperature (-20 to 85 oC),
Humidity (0 to 100 % RH)
Accumulated temperature,
Dew-point temperature
2 Acceleration/Temp. sensor
Acceleration in 3-axis (max. 10 G),
Temperature (-10 to 50 oC)
3 Illuminance/UV sensor
Illuminance (max. 200 k lx),
UV intensity (max. 30 mW/cm2)
Accumulated Illuminance,
Accumulated UV intensity
4 Carbon dioxide sensor
CO2 concentration
(max. 9999 ppm)

Input terminals / Adapter

No. Input module Measurement (actual sensing) Measurement (calculated value)
5 Voltage/Temp. input module
Voltage (max. 50 V) or Temp. (TC: K/T type) of 4 ch,
Logic or Pulse of 4 ch
6 Temperature input terminal
Thermistor (max. 120 oC) of 4 ch,
Logic or Pulse of 4 ch
7 Thermistor sensor
Temperature sensor (-40 to 105 oC), Normal type
use with GS-4TSR module
8 Thermistor sensor
Temperature sensor (-40 to 120 oC), Ultrathin type
use with GS-4TSR module
9 AC current sensor adapter
AC current,
2 sensors are able to connect (*1)
Power (instantaneous),
Integrated power (Electric energy)
10 AC current sensor
Clamp-on type (max. 50 A AC),
use with GS-DAP-AC module
11 AC current sensor
Clamp-on type (max. 100 A AC),
use with GS-DAP-AC module
12 AC current sensor
Clamp-on type (max. 200 A AC),
use with GS-DAP-AC module
it is required to use the same type sensor and it is used in the same power system of the single- or three-phase.


Various sensor specifications

Temperature & Humidity sensor (GS-TH) input module

Item Description
Type of measurement Actual measuring Temperature and Humidity
Calculated value Dew-point temperature and Accumulated temperature (The temperature will be accumulated during it is higher or lower than the reference temperature.)
Method of measurement C-MOS sensor
Measuring range Temperature -20 to 85 °C
Humidity 0.0 to 100.0 % RH
Accuracy Temperature -20 ≤ TS < 0: ± 0.8 °C
0 ≤ TS ≤ 60: ± 0.5 °C
60 < TS ≤ 85: ± 0.8 °C
Humidity at 25 °C
Measuring 0 to 10 % RH: ± 10% RH
Measuring 10 to 20 % RH: ± 8% RH
Measuring 20 to 80 % RH: ± 5% RH
Measuring 80 to 90 % RH: ± 8% RH
Measuring 90 to 100 % RH: ± 10% RH
Response Temperature, Humidity: Approx. 100 seconds
(Time to reach 63%, at 25 °C and air flow 1 m/s)
* It varies by environment condition.
Sampling interval 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 30 seconds, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 30, 60 minutes
Unit of temperature measurement Switchable °C and °F
Water resistance Protect by waterproof filter at the sensing part
Operating environment Within temperature and humidity measurement range (When sensor is attached directly to the GL100, it is the same specifications as the GL100.)
External dimension [W x D x H] Approx. 15 x 45 x 10 mm (exclude protrusion)
Weight Approx. 14 g

Acceleration & Temperature sensor (GS-3AT) input module

Item Description
Type of measurement Tri-axial aceleration (X-, Y-, Z-axis) and Temperature
Measuring range Acceleration ±2 G (20m/s2), ±5 G (50m/s2), ±10 G (10m/s2)
Temperature -10 to 50 °C (using C-MOS sensor)
Accuracy Acceleration ±2 % of F.S. (including non linearity)
Temperature -10 ≤ TS < 50: ± 1.0 °C
Response (acceleration measurement) 0 Hz to 100 Hz
Measuring mode Memory, or Direct mode
Memory capacity 16, 32, 64, 128 k Samples (for memory mode)
Pre-trigger 10, 25, 50, 100 % of selected memory capacity, and OFF (function is available for memory mode)
Sampling interval Memory mode: 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 ms
Direct mode: 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 30 seconds, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 30, 60 minutes
Calculation function (in Direct mode) Function: The data is captured in every 5ms interval, and then the result of calculation between selected interval will be saved.
Type of calculation: Average, Peak, RMS, or OFF (selected one value will be saved)
Unit of temperature measurement Switchable °C and °F
Offset adjustment function OFF, ON (sets the static acceleration value of current to zero)
Dustproof and waterproof IP54
Length of cable Approx. 200 mm
Operating environment Temperature: -10 °C to 50 °C
Humidity: up to 80 % RH (non condensed)
External dimension [W x D x H] Approx. 51 x 36 x 20 mm (exclude protrusion)
Weight Approx. 64 g

Illuminance & Ultraviolet sensor (GS-LXUV) input module

Item Description
Type of measurement Actual measuring Illuminance and UV intensity
Calculated value Accumulated illuminance and Accumulated UV intensity
Measuring range Illuminance 0 lx to 200 k lx
UV intensity 0 to 30 mW/cm2
Measuring accuracy Illuminance ±5 % at 25 °C (Temperature characteristic: 5 % at 10 °C to 40 °C)
UV intensity ±5 % at 25 °C (Temperature characteristic: 5 % at 10 °C to 40 °C)
Response 1 ms or less
Accumulating function Illuminance 0 to 99999 k lxh (Accumulated value is reset by starting the data recording or pressing the QUIT key.)
UV intensity 0 to 99999 mW/cm2h (Accumulated value is reset by starting the data recording or pressing the QUIT key.)
Sampling interval 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 30 seconds, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 30, 60 minutes
Length of cable Approx. 200 mm
Operating environment Temperature: -10 °C to 50 °C
Humidity: up to 80 % RH (non condensed)
External dimension [W x D x H] Approx. 46 x 66 x 19 mm (exclude protrusion)
Weight Approx. 65 g

Carbon dioxide (CO2) sensor (GS-CO2) input module

Item Description
Type of measurement Carbon dioxide concentration
Method of measurement NDIR (Non Dispersive Infra-red)
Measuring range 0 to 9999 ppm
Measuring accuracy ±0.5 % of reading + 30 ppm (in range of 0 to 5000 ppm)
Response 3 minutes or less
Sampling interval 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 30 seconds, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 30, 60 minutes
(Sensing of carbon dioxide is done at interval of 2 seconds or slower. When sampling is selected to 0.5 or 1 second, the same value is recorded in each time and then value is updated every 2 seconds.)
Length of cable Approx. 200 mm
Operating environment Temperature: 0 °C to 50 °C
Humidity: up to 80 % RH (non condensed)
External dimension [W x D x H] Approx. 66 x 100 x 25 mm (exclude protrusion)
Weight Approx. 99 g

AC Current sensor Adapter (GS-DPA-AC) input module & AC Current sensor

Item Description
Type of measurement Actual measuring Current (using optional AC current sensor)
Calculated value Power, Accumulated power (Electric energy)
Type of sensor Clamp-on current probe (optional)
Application circuit Single-phase two-wire, Single-phase three-wire, or Three-phase three-wire
Number of sensor Two (2) sensors are able to connect (using the same type of sensor and the power system)
Method of measurement Scans channels (sensors), Non-isolated input, using RMS converter
Measuring range 50, 100, 200 A RMS (varies by the sensor)
Applicable frequency 50 or 60 Hz
Measuring accuracy ±2 % of full sale ± 1 digit (at temperature 23 °C, and within rated current and frequency)
Sampling interval 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 30 seconds, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 30, 60 minutes
Length of cable Approx. 200 mm
Operating environment Temperature: -10 °C to 50 °C
Humidity: up to 80 % RH (non condensed)
External dimension [W x D x H] Approx. 46 x 66 x 27 mm (exclude protrusion)
Weight Approx. 55 g

AC Current sensor

Item Description
GS-AC50A Rated measuring current: 50 A AC (Length of cable to adapter is approx. 200 mm)
GS-AC100A Rated measuring current: 100 A AC (Length of cable to adapter is approx. 200 mm)
GS-AC200A Rated measuring current: 200 A AC (Length of cable to adapter is approx. 200 mm)

Voltage & Temperature Input Terminal (GS-4VT) input module

Item Description
Type of measurement Analog voltage or Temperature,
Logic (signal pattern) or Pulse (instant or accumulated count)
Number of channel Voltage/Temperature: 4 channels (measurement type for channels can each be separately selected)
Logic/pulse: 4 channels (measurement type for channels can be selected as set of 4 channels)
Input method of voltage/temp. Scans by the photo-MOS-relay, all channels isolated input
Measuring range of voltage 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 mV, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 V F.S. and 1-5V F.S.
Measuring accuracy 0.15 % of F.S.
Input impedance 1 M ohms
Maximum input voltage Between positive ("+") and negative ("-") input terminal: 60 V
Between negative ("-") terminal of channels: 60 V
Between negative ("-") terminal of channel and "GND": 60 V
Withstand voltage Between negative ("-") terminal of channels: 350 V p-p (1 minute)
Between negative ("-") terminal of channel and "GND": 350 V p-p (1 minute)
Measuring range of temperature Thermocouple: K type -200 °C to 1370 °C, T type -200 °C to 400 °C
Measuring accuracy K type -200 ≤ TS ≤ -100 °C: ± (0.05% of reading + 2.0 °C)
-100 < TS ≤ 1370 °C: ± (0.05% of reading + 1.0 °C)
T type -200 ≤ TS ≤ -100 °C: ± (0.1% of reading + 1.5 °C)
-100 < TS ≤ 400 °C: ± (0.1% of reading + 0.5 °C)
Reference Junction Compensation (R.J.C.): ± 0.5 °C
Burnout checking Displaying warning when Thermocouple has failed
Unit of temperature measurement Switchable °C and °F
Input of Logic/Pulse Input signal: Voltage or Dry contact signal
Voltage input: 0 to +24V (common ground)
Dry contact signal: Relay or Solid state relay
Threshold voltage: Approx. +2.5V, Hysteresis: Approx. 0.5V (Status of the signal is changed in the 2V and the 2.5V.)
Measuring rage of Pulse ・Instant count: up to 200 counts/sampling interval
・Accumulated count: up to 65535 counts (Accumulated value is reset by starting the data recording or pressing the QUIT key.)
・Max. input frequency : 400Hz
Sampling interval 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 30 seconds, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 30, 60 minutes
Length of cable Approx. 200 mm
Operating environment Temperature: -10 °C to 50 °C
Humidity: up to 80 % RH (non condensed)
External dimension [W x D x H] Approx. 46 x 66 x 36 mm (exclude protrusion)
Weight Approx. 85 g

Thermistor Sensor Input Terminal (GS-4TSR) input module

Item Description
Type of measurement Temperature,
Logic (signal pattern) or Pulse (instant or accumulated count)
Number of channel Temperature: 4 channels (measurement type for channels can each be separately selected)
Logic/pulse: 4 channels (measurement type for channels can be selected as set of 4 channels)
Input method of temperature Scans by the photo-MOS-relay, all channels non-isolated input
Temperature sensor Thermistor (optional)
Measuring range Temperature: -40 to 120 °C (varies by the type of sensor)
(Sensor GS-103AT-4P: -40 to 105 °C, GS-103JT-4P: -40 to 120 °C)
Measuring accuracy • GL100 main body
-40 ≤ TS < 0 °C: ± 0.7 °C
0 ≤ TS ≤ 35 °C: ± 0.2 °C
35 < TS ≤ 70 °C: ± 0.4 °C
70 < TS ≤ 120 °C: ± 1.0 °C
• Thermistor sensor (GS-103AT-4P or GS-103JT-4P)
Typical ± 0.4 °C
Unit of temperature measurement Switchable °C and °F
Input of Logic/Pulse Input signal: Voltage or Dry contact signal
Voltage input: 0 to +24V (common ground)
Dry contact signal: Relay or Solid state relay
Threshold voltage: Approx. +2.5V, Hysteresis: Approx. 0.5V (Status of the signal is changed in the 2V and the 2.5V.)
Measuring rage of Pulse ・Instant count: up to 200 counts/sampling interval
・Accumulated count: up to 65535 counts (Accumulated value is reset by starting the data recording or pressing the QUIT key.)
・Max. input frequency : 400Hz
Sampling interval 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 30 seconds, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 30, 60 minutes
Length of cable Approx. 200 mm
Operating environment Temperature: -10 °C to 50 °C
Humidity: up to 80 % RH (non condensed)
External dimension [W x D x H] Approx. 46 x 66 x 36 mm (exclude protrusion)
Weight Approx. 83 g

Dual port adapter (GS-DPA) input module

Item Description
Number of sensors Two (2) sensors
Connectable sensors GS-TH (Temp./Humidity), GS-CO2 (Carbon dioxide (CO2)), GS-LXUV (Illuminance & Ultraviolet)
It is not able to connect two sensors of the same type.
Length of cable Approx. 200 mm
Operating environment Temperature: -10 °C to 50 °C
Humidity: up to 80 % RH (non condensed)
External dimension [W x D x H] Approx. 46 x 66 x 27 mm (exclude protrusion)
Weight Approx. 68 g

Module Extension Cable (GS-EXC)

Item Description
Connectable input module All types of input module
Cable is connected between the input module and the GL100.
Length of cable Approx. 1.5 m
Operating environment Temperature: -10 °C to 50 °C
Humidity: up to 80 % RH (non condensed)
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